[blasting new year]
tired. yes i am. poor me. steph song declined to be interviewed by me..... okay, so she thinks i'm just such a lowly reporter not worthy to even speak to her? if that's the case, then it's her loss lor... even big celebs like li lin love me....
just came back from SP's NYE countdown party at the plaza.... so you ask why sp? you mean there are no better ones? well the answer is a simple four-lettered word.... and no, it does not begin with "F"..... work lah.... on new year's day.... some are so priviliged to enjoy on this day... anyway, i'm prepared to sacrifice my hols....
luckily, i did not have to work on christmas day.... for me, christmas is a time to be with the family.... and new year is the time to be wild with friends.... and so they say what you do on the first day of the new year will set the pace for the year ahead....
yup.... i am really stressed with my studies, work, ns and love life.... going crazy soon man if i continue like this.... sadly, almost the whole family has gone on vacation.... why didn't i join them... haiZ.... too late....
oh crap.... why am i saying all this on new year's day... haha... be happy... and yes, here's wishing everyone a happy new year.... thanks for the many sms-es.... i replied every single one of them..... that's me kay....
all the best for the new year.... and thanks for your suggestion ben....

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