[a dare and a change]
first the daring news... i called the saf hotline to seek some advice on not allowing the whole hq company to have dinner because our standby bed dragged till about eight at night...
but no big fuss about that... anyway.. all is well now...
and just today, our co called for a "press conference" announcing some really great changes in the army... and i have a new ord date!!!
the change means that all NSmen = me - with or without A-level, diploma or higher qualifications - will now serve 24 months, or two years!!!
the cutback in length of NS will be done in a graduated fashion for different batches of NSmen....
those who have just enlisted or will enlist between June and November for 2 1/2 years will get a four-month cut (shiok sia!!)
those who are now doing their 2 1/2 years of full-time service will get up to a two-month cut = me...
haha... looks like i am going to ord this year... hmmm... then what will i do after ns??
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