when the cbre defence group was launched by defence minister dr tony tan, the new paper published this article on 19 jan 2003. titled 'ready for dirty bombs' it mentioned chemical weapons. A deadly anthrax scare. A car filled with explosives. Should these dangers arise here, Singapore can count on a highly-skilled team to tackle them.
The Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Explosive (CBRE) Defence Group. Made up of the Explosives Ordnance Disposal unit, the Chemical and Biological Defence unit and the Medical Response Force, it was unveiled by Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Tony Tan last night.
CBRE was formed to enhance SAF's counter-terrorist capabilities to address the threat of global terrorism.
Said Dr Tan: 'While explosives continue to be the most common tool used by terrorists, the trend towards employing chemical and biological agents, and radiological 'dirty bombs' to strike terror is growing.
'The SAF must be equipped and ready to respond to these new threats.'
An incident response exercise called the Ex Diamond Shield was displayed last night - where the new group was activated to respond to a scenario which comprised an explosive device and a chemical device.
Also on display was a wide variety of tools and equipment never before revealed to the public. This includes:
The GID-3 detector: It detects and identifies chemical agents and will sound an alarm
Chemical agent monitor: It has the ability to detect vapour agents transmitted through the air like anthrax
Personnel inflatable decontamination shelter: A shelter which delivers a high pressure water stream to quickly decontaminate people who may have been exposed to toxic agents.
so the public actually knows of the existence of these equipment.... speechless? then go update yourself by reading the papers... so they say 'knowledge is really power'....
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