[in the spotlight]
team singapore's gonna have a gathering this friday...
but... i'm out of singapore!
anyway... i have finished reading the book launched by team singapore and the singapore sports council....
and just in time for the read! singapore marathon....
one interesting fact.... sportsmen featured in the book are generally not good at their studies.... so if any of you here think you don't really love books, try to go out in the sun to play... you might find a sport you can excel in...
the book has 10 inspiring stories of athletes.... including lovebirds ronald susilo and li jiawei... no juicy stories of their relationship but a few tidbits here and there....
it tells of how each sportsman or sportswoman started out playing the sport..... the ups and downs after winning a medal.... their life wrongly portrayed by the media.... their interesting tips and words of wisdom and their biographies....
quite an interesting read i must say.... it is a step into their lives... into their shoes....
and apart from knowing who they are and meeting them, you get interesting nuggets of their life experiences...
wonder why they titled it in the spotlight and not in the sportlight....
but that's another story....

and good news for readers of this blog... i have one copy of the book to give away...
email me and tell me why you deserve it in no more than 50 words and if your mail is selected, you win... it is that simple.... so go on, send in your entries to ephraim@singnet[dot]com[dot]sg
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