[ioc goodies]
one of the many reasons why doing media support is so cool is because i get to meet the people reporting the news from the world - have seen a reporter from the financial times, from hong kong, japan, indonesia and almost everywhere in the world...
and because i'm doing media suppport, i am just a few steps away from the desks along the agencies rooms outside the main press centre...
some of the things you can find on the desk include press releases (where you get details on sports stars arriving), media kits, goodies such as wristbands, collar pins, cloth fans, postcards, magazines and cds....

but because they are so popular, they run out fast...
among other things, it is the lack of knowledge on world sports idols that is a disdavantage to me...
i may even not know who walks beside me during my stint at the ioc...
take yesterday for example... i mistook ian thorpe for raul and asked for his autograph... but at least now i know how ian thorpe looks in real life!

and because of that mistake, i now know how raul looks like...
if only david beckham will walk by.... i'd surely know it is him...
chances are still aplenty though... and only time will tell if i get to rub shoulders with him...
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