[sea games flag presentation]
attending today's flag presentation really made me look up to broadcast journalists... okay.. i respect all journalists (just in case alvin is reading this)...
imagine you are doing your interviews around 8pm and you have to rush the story out in time for the 10pm news... boy... you got to be really fast.. and that is pretty why i respect them...
so back to the topic... the flooding of novena square... not with water but with athletes and coaches... close to 300 of them, to be exact, will be competing in the 23rd sea games...

in a short ceremony after president of singapore national olympic council addressed the crowd and gave his well wishes to the singapore contingent, chief-de-mission oon jin teik (who is also chief executive officer of singapore sports council) handed the singapore flag to bowler remy ong - the flag bearer at the sea games...

this was followed by the singing of the national anthem and the preview of kit chan's song "live our dreams" describing happiness, harmony and proud victorious moments... how apt...
thereafter, various media personnel hunted down athletes for interviews for print, tv and radio... and just beside the wushu contingent was this channel 8 journalist doing his piece-to-camera for the 10pm news... and it is not easy... i think he repeated his lines more than 10 times in front of the camera and was probably feeling the pressure as it was already close to 8pm...

and when i watched the news at 10pm i see his story describing the colour and mood of the ceremony... super duper professional..
all this can be summed up with one word... challenging...
yup... and because team singapore is sponsoring me part of the travel cost, i'll be heading to manilla for the sea games! now i just have to plan my schedule and apply for leave...
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