[About this blog] Inspired by local soccer player Mike Lim during my rookie reporter days at Singapore Polytechnic, I set up this blog in August 2002. I feel that blogging is a novel platform to document interesting facets of my life and my thoughts on certain issues. [Email blogger] ephraim@singnet.com.sg

Friday, January 06, 2006

[what's your flavour]
was at ministry of sound just now... in fact, i was there since 4 this afternoon...

and it is huge!!!

they have many many rooms to suit your needs and every experience is a new experience... and so, since i had time, i went to every room to explore... i think there are close to 10 rooms....

most rooms have cool furniture like these hanging chairs...

Photo credit: www.ephraim.blogspot.com

and red themes...

Photo credit: www.ephraim.blogspot.com

a room furnished with white furniture...

Photo credit: www.ephraim.blogspot.com

cosy room number 54... this one has several types of chairs... and various designs on the walls...

Photo credit: www.ephraim.blogspot.com

and one of the grandest rooms... looks like a dining hall fit for a king...

Photo credit: www.ephraim.blogspot.com

there are many other nooks that i have yet to explore... but i don't think i'll be heading down soon as the queues can kill...

and not only that, the cigarette smoke kills too...


Blogger BBBBBBB said...

Um. The hanging chair is Eerno Aarnio's Bubble Chair, the other one is his Ball Chair, all Pop-Op classics from the ... 70s?

And the white chairs, should be by Starck.

Monday, January 09, 2006 9:54:00 am


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