[Just about rallies really]
As I said previously, rallies are like going for getai.
But instead of singers, old folks and sexy sequins, you have people dressed in white, prim and proper. But the setting is pretty much the same.

And instead of singing, you hear lively, captivating speeches from politicians.

No "lao shu ai da mi" song, nor tie a yellow ribbon round the old chiku tree.
A plus point if the rally is in a very "hotspot" yes, I hear you mumble Hougang and Potong Pasir. Then you get special appearances by Fann Wong. Nope. Just pulling your leg. I was going to say SM Goh.

But the most important people are the audience. With no audience, it is no use as no one will be there to listen.
And so, I present the sights and no sounds (oops, sorry podcast not allowed) of the audience at the Hougang rally.

The centre of attraction

Expose them while they are young - kiasu Singaporean parents who want their kids to end up as politicians in future?

Rallying support - a family that goes to the rally together stays together?

Rallys - for the young and the old

Getting a grip on real rally issues?
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