I'm getting flabby.
Ever since the elections, I haven't been doing my exercises. Haven't been going for my gym and runs and swims.
And to add to that, all the election appreciation dinners are here to stay - but not for long.
I went for one such dinner last weekend at the Marina Country Club and there's another one this week.
The great thing about elections for People's Association staff is that the elections are platforms for promotions and are times for reflection. And recently, many people have left, of course, after they have gotten their at least three month performance bonus.
It's the start low-key days in Hougang - the residents have spoken.
After the visit of so many people. the list here:

But well, sometimes, things turn out better like this.
And so back to promotions. Next week, I'll be going for a promotion interview. (Insert cheers here).
How cool is this: Ephraim Loy, Assistant Manager. Wish me good luck.
And if all goes well, I'll move to a new office and say goodbye to my friends in Hougang.
But I promise, I won't be the only one leaving Hougang. There's more to come. Till then.
all the best for your interview!!!! so who will be the next one leaving??
Wednesday, May 24, 2006 10:38:00 pm
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Thursday, May 25, 2006 12:27:00 am
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