[Meet the fans session]
Rallys are not complete without the fans. And they are the ones that make or break a rally.
Like those that shout "I love Sylvia Lim". And those that chant "ole ole ole" (warming up for World Cup).
So I present the Aljunied cheerleading team. Comprising mostly females and a few males, their theme is "I love the PAP". Formed some few days after the mid-election period, this group of supporters comprise mainly youths and those that are "young at heart".

Without fail, this group of dedicated supporters wave their shiny red hearts in the air and are armed with whistles. They fly the PAP flag and chant slogans before and after each speech. Needless to say, they support every PAP rally in Aljunied.
And just like superstars, the idol politicians meet their fans always, after the performance of course. But they still keep their distance - surely security must not be compromised.

So you ask what will happen to those nicely designed placards and hearts? Most have been autographed by the candidates themselves and will be kept as souvenirs or placed in the respective PAP branches for remembrance. And so, till tomorrow when I give my take on the announcement of the election results.
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