[The coolest Team Singapore store]
I went down to the Street Festival arena again today and took a look at the art on the canvases outside Plaza Singapura. Pretty cool stuff I say.

Then I went closer and saw this.

And I agree with the artist. On the news just now was also a short story on graffiti art in Singapore.
27-year-old street artist Zack Kazak told Channel NewsAsia: "Pure vandalism lies maybe the text they wrote; maybe it's foul language ... maybe it's just a scribble. So I think what the public sees as a form of art - aesthetic forms like bright colours, how creative, how elaborate the form is - I think that's aesthetic value; that's a form of art."
But I beg to differ.
The difference for me on street art and vandalism is this - more importantly it depends on the media you paint on and equally so if it contains vulgar or obscene stuff. If a street artist damages public property with his graffiti art, I think it is a pure sense of vandalism and not art regardless of the content.
Therefore, my take to street artists: do it on legal areas. I think the National Youth Council's Skate Park allows street artists to express themselves freely on their ramps and stuff.
However, most street artists like "bombings". These are done by graffiti artists who operate in crews using a fast and furious process of spray painting a mural. Though illegal if done at undesignated places, street artists enjoy the adrenaline rush of "bombings".
Perhaps more areas can be designated for these street artists to create their works and let them interact with members of the public.
In other news, this morning was also the final hours of the 30-hour netball challenge in conjunction with the Singapore Street Festival 2006 and it is day two for me.

Those present were encouraged to vote for their favourite national netball player. Needless to say, I took part too and voted for the one that looked the sweetest - I have never seen them in person nor heard of them during my years of Team Singapore volunteer work. So I based my vote on looks.

Well before I end, I present the coolest Team Singapore stall so far. I guess the booths provided by Plaza Singapura really brings out the best of our merchandise in terms of the display. The other stalls I have done so far just come with tables in a tentage and these look just like any other stall at a pasar malam (night market).

See, so professional right? This really made me enjoy selling the Team Singapore stuff. And in between manning the stall, I managed to squeeze in time to read some stories in the series of Team Singapore books.
Then I was off for dragonboat training with the Bedok Reservoir - Punggol grassroots leaders and some Temasek Polytechnic students to prepare for the big race on July 2.
I'm really excited.
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