[Dinner with YP]
I did not expect it to be so pleasant an evening. Being the fifth Tuesday of the month, there was no Meet-the-People Session (first and third Tuesdays at Hougang Blk 414 and second and fourth Tuesdays at Bedok Reservoir Blk 713). I had forgotten about this in the morning. When my secretary Lilian reminded me, I called up Bee Lan (my new branch secretary taking over from Terry who is moving on to higher things) and asked her if she could organise dinner for me to meet younger party members. Just one table of 10 at Bliss Restaurant at Punggol Park.

We had a good discussion. On behalf of the YP, Melvin proposed certain ideas for me to engage the young through informal chats. The YP Chairperson, Joy, couldn't join us. I suggested confining the talks to Singaporeans. No publicity. Just sharing hopes and concerns. Ephraim asked if any issue could be raised. I replied, most definitely, but I don't promise to have answers to all questions.
We had dinner on the wooden deck by the lake. It was a cool evening with a light breeze blowing. The food was good. I had fish and chips. So did three others. The rest ordered steak, lamb shank and chicken. The boss, Christine, came round to chat. Quite a lady. One child, another on the way. She served us complimentary aloe vera jelly dessert. She has another outlet at Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve. I told her that we liked Bliss and would be back.
Hi Mr Yeo. Is this really Mr George Yeo, Foreign Affairs Minister of Singapore, Geroge Yeo?
If it is, great! Welcome to the blogosphere. Do update this blog more and it is just nice to see a different side of you, even if it is just mundane things.
In fact, that is what we want to see, a non-official side of ministers and MPs.
Keep it up!
Friday, September 01, 2006 1:50:00 pm
Hi Mr Yeo,
Im really glad to see one of ministers taking the step to engage the general public through the "new media". i hope you take this chance to give us an insight into the work you do - foreign affairs seems so distant to a large part of our population. it'd be really nice for us to hear first hand from a minister and gain valuable insight as well as appreciate the value of foreign affairs.
Friday, September 01, 2006 2:33:00 pm
Welcome to the Blogsphere Mr Yeo. The Blogsphere is chaotic and full of mudslides and quicksands, but quality sites can be found when you look for them.
I hope through your participation, the blogsphere will get to discuss more on Policies and Decisions in the coming posts.
Saturday, September 02, 2006 12:37:00 am
Minster Yeo, I think this is the most constructive step that you have taken, on behalf of the Singapore goverment, in engaging the blogosphere.
Although your posts so far have been more about your day-to-day affairs as Minister of Foreign Affairs, I see this as a starting point. It's an opportunity to see things from your side of the fence, something that us layman don't usually have access to.
I'm sure that moving forward in future, you'll be most delighted to engage some of the excellent bloggers out there in some intellectual sparring about the critical national issues that Singapore is facing.
That, in my perspective, is the end-goal that I hope to see. A pro-active government engaging in a good debate with the blogosphere, not just to broadcast the government's point of view, but also to articulate and convince why certain policies ought to be in a certain way.
I look forward to more of your posts and also would hope that you encourage other fellow Ministers and very importantly, the senior civil servants (those who draft up our government policies) to do likewise too.
Thank you, Minister Yeo!
Saturday, September 02, 2006 4:27:00 pm
welcome to cyberspace, George. welcome to cyberspace.
Sunday, September 03, 2006 7:42:00 pm
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