[Dragonboat training]
Today was the Bedok Reservoir-Punggol dragonboat team's second training.
And I wasn't very much in form today. Plus, the training was a little tougher than last week's.
So twenty rowers and a small camp of supporters were at Bedok Reservoir.

We have a cool group cheer too. But more on that nearer to the competition.

What's more interesting is this unexpected happening. As you all know, Minister George Yeo is in London with our Prime Minister. And he did mention that he may not be able to blog from there. I was not expecting any entry at least for the next few weeks (after London Minister will head to Cuba) so imagine my surprise when I received his email.
Read beyond sg (click on the link on the sidebar) for Minister's thoughts on his trip to London. And his visit to the new Churchill Museum.
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