[Gala dinner at National Museum]
In case you haven't noticed, the new National Museum has opened its doors to the public.

And it is not because the museum is just opposite my school that I take notice. It's because of the Singapore Biennale. The gala dinner was held inside the museum last week. And the decor is very nice. But first, the food.

There was pasta. Two types - the cream based and tomato based. The cream based one was delicious. My mouth is watering as I type now.
And other than Thai desserts, funny tofu, agar agar and sliced meat there was also a wide variety of sashimi!

Not forgetting the exhibits as well. This magnificent piece in the main hall was one of the many few artworks on display.

Of course, there was also the usual red wine, punch, lime juice and beer. Artists do like to party man. Everyone does?
Photos courtesy of Republic Polytechnic's Dennis who is also a volunteer for the biennale.
how come u know where to go for all these good food? Free? :)
Sunday, September 10, 2006 1:36:00 am
Actually it is because I am volunteering for events for Singapore Biennale 2006. Whatever events they have, I'll be there. But we have to work first ten enjoy.
Sunday, September 10, 2006 2:03:00 pm
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