[About this blog] Inspired by local soccer player Mike Lim during my rookie reporter days at Singapore Polytechnic, I set up this blog in August 2002. I feel that blogging is a novel platform to document interesting facets of my life and my thoughts on certain issues. [Email blogger] ephraim@singnet.com.sg

Saturday, September 30, 2006

[Less tickets for National Day Parade 2007]
Next year, National Day parade tickets will be reduced by a whopping 28,000. Instead of the 55,000 (which is the capacity of the Kallang Stadium), the new quota for NDP 2007 will be 27,000.

It is simple mathematics.

I was passing by Marina Bay en route to Esplanade to catch Forbidden City - Portrait of an Empress, and I came across the new temporary structure for next year's parade.

Meanwhile, construction for the structure has already begun.

A write-up on the facility states that this state-of-the-art project is designed for outdoor concerts, exhibitions, boat shows and sporting events.


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