[Singapore Idol]
1. It was fun being there when the results were announced. The crowd had a good time. Some stood up to rock to the music.
2. Singapore being Singapore, there were sensitivities. Having only come back from New York that morning, I did not know that the dark blue shirt I wore indicated support for Hady. Lucas Chow, the CEO of MediaCorp, who was dressed in a white jacket, said he would 'balance' me since white was for Jonathan. I was given two clappers, one white and one blue, to be politically correct. Boy, sometimes I wish I weren't a minister.
3. But I did observe the audience critically to see whether the support for Hady and Jonathan was divided along ethnic lines. I was glad to learn later that the results showed a decisive 70% win for Hady, meaning that many Chinese Singaporeans voted for him. He had the better voice although I thought Jonathan had stronger stage presence. My wife said he had the Korean K-pop look. But the murmurs persist in social conversations. Some say that Hady received support from JB which I find hard to believe. One Chinese friend said that we can't have Malays winning every time. Well, this is multi-racial Singapore. Anyway, 70% is much better than my 56% win in Aljunied.
i couldn't resist commenting, but i'm really curious about the thinking here; how does getting 70% of the votes translate to "many chinese singaporeans" voting for Hady? because singapore has an ethnic chinese majority?
Thursday, September 28, 2006 12:38:00 am
singapore idol aside, I like this entry a lot. keep them coming, Min!
Thursday, September 28, 2006 12:39:00 am
By observing the crowd of supporters?
Thursday, September 28, 2006 12:57:00 pm
In Aljunied, you won, Sylvia won (by entering Parliament as NCMP), the people won coz they have two MPs to serve them.
Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:08:00 pm
I'm a Chinese and I would have voted for Hady if the voting is based on one vote per person. Hady is, in my opinion, in a league of his own. If Jon and Hady are to cut an album each, I will spend the money on Hady's album. As for Jon, I think I have better use of the money.
Friday, September 29, 2006 1:03:00 pm
I voted for Jon, partly because we share the same alma mater (SJI). He may not have won, but I'm sure he'll go far!
Friday, September 29, 2006 10:13:00 pm
Minister yeo, i truly admire your attitude towards this era of this rising of new media. I like your humour, especially the last part of this entry.
Friday, September 29, 2006 10:55:00 pm
You're forgetting that Singapore Idol allows multiple votes per person. It allows people to express their opinion, and how strongly they feel about it.
Instead of congratulating the effectiveness of the multi-racial policies (we cannot take racial harmony for granted...blablablabla), why not ask why did you think that the Malays would vote for Hady instead of Jon?
You assume Singaporeans to be innately racist, perhaps especially the Chinese? Perhaps it would be better to first assume that we do have good musical sense to vote for the better singer, instead of just someone along the same ethnic lines to fulfil some sort of ethnic balance which we feel is 'necessary'.
Dude, we're all Singaporeans.
Saturday, October 07, 2006 9:07:00 pm
a.ballofyarn and guan - I attempted a mathematical, albeit admittedly less-than-scientific analysis on my blog to explain why I concluded that Hady could not have won if not for a significant number of Chinese votes. I think this parallels our general elections in some ways.
Idol results: What happened to communalism?
Saturday, October 14, 2006 1:30:00 am
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