[Up close with Dim Sum Dollies]
It was an arty farty day for me.
I went to the school early in the morning to search for material for my sociology project. I had to look for information on deviance, crime, tattoos and piercings. I chanced upon this book titled Fish! for Life - a book that can motivate and inspire. I'm halfway through and I should finish it tonight.
I had spent half of the afternoon after class reading the first part. Inspiring. It teaches how to get into the right frame of attitude and to play. The TCC in school is a good place to hang out. I have been there two days in a row. And just now, I visited the TCC at Boat Quay for dinner. They should have this most number of TCC visits in a day award man.

After ploughing through half the book, I decided to take a walk and a breather near Parliament. The Arts House at the Old Parliament projected a refreshing change - I recalled my younger years when I used to visit.
It was still a tad too early to go to victoria Theatre for the Preview of Dim Sum Dollies, Little Shop of Horrors, so I sat by the Singapore River and contiuned to bury my head in my Fish! for Life book.

The sunset with Boat Quay in the foreground was awesome. I watched the sky turn orange then blue. By then, it was time to journey to the theatre.
Selena Tan, Pam Oei and Emma Yong rocked the audience at the preview show of Little Shop of Horrors. They were hilarious. I loved their Melayu accent during one scene.
Although the plot was nothing new - boy meets man, buys a pot of plant, miracles happen and he gets famous overnight. It was pertty predictable although the ending was abrupt and unexpected. But you've got to give the actors credit for their slapstick jokes and digs at certain daily Singaporean issues - like getting a parking fine parking by the side of the road for 1 minute.
Lim Yu Beng scores with his jives and although he is a veteran, he still can shake his booty very well. Robin Goh's costume changes were fast and furious too - he had a few roles to play. In the programme guide, his role is "everyone else". Electrico's Dave Tan also did well in the different genres of songs - I think he did the rock and roll very well. The songs are catchy too.

The best part was getting to meet the cast up close. Only nine main actors were involved in this production and it was a pleasant overall experience.

So after watching the musical, I shall follow what the cast says. Word of mouth is very powerful - so go catch Dim Sum Dollies, Little Shop of Horrors. It is bloody (excuse my French) funny.
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