[Goodbye 2006]
It will be the end of 2006 very soon. I just realised that Christmas will happen in a few days! I haven't even done any Christmas shopping yet. Maybe I'll visit Orchard tomorrow if the weather is good.
I am pretty happy with what I have achieved in 2006.
1. I was accepted into Singapore Management University
2. Made loads of new friends (grassroots, TP dragonboaters, Team Singapore, Singapore Biennale)
3. Caught up with old friends
4. Visited my alma mater and promised to help them with the school newspaper as it undergoes a revamp
5. I had a hand in designing a stunning artwork, Open Burble, during the Singapore Biennale opening night
6. Continued to write for ST's YouthINK page on a regular basis and met up with some YouthINKers too plus will write for a youth website soon
7. Started my work at the weekly Meet-the-People sessions at Bedok Reservoir-Punggol and managed to get Minister George Yeo to blog here making history
8. Saw a successful event organised by the Bedok Reservoir-Punggol Young PAP
9. Quit my job and am adapting pretty well to university life and did well for my exams
10. Kena reservist and RT also for missing my IPPT due to my CIP
One of my goals for 2007 is to do a project to raise funds for charity. The next is to do my part in organising the National Day Parade 2007 (my unit's involved) and I wanna help out for that!
I also wanna look good and do good for charity. I wanna get the RED MOTORAZR V3 phone!

After a trip down to Compass Point this afternoon, I am pretty disappointed. The phone was no where in sight for sale there. It will be hunting season for the phone the next few days after 10 days out of town. Wonder if the people at Motorola, M1 or StarHub are reading this. Hopefully they are.
The red colour is so nice and striking. It matches my three-year-old white-coloured Nokia 6610. I can bring both for National Day Parade 2007 at the waterfront.

Oh yes, and also to tidy up my room during the next few days. It is getting untidy again. My mum's nagging me already!
Photos from youth.sg
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