[Hougang Ave 10 Road Crossing]
1. The crossing at Hougang Ave 10 from Blk 521 to the MRT station is unsafe. We had two fatal accidents in Jan and Nov last year. One problem is that vehicles tend to accelerate out of the road bend. On Wednesday night, I had a dialogue with residents there on this issue and other issues.

2. Some residents propose an overhead bridge which HDB is reluctant to build because of land constraints. An overhead bridge will also require a pedestrian barrier along the road's central divider. This will make crossing much harder for our senior citizens.
3. The other alternative is to have a signalised crossing at grade, meaning on the same level. To slow down vehicles, speed strips will then have to be built. This will result in noise pollution to nearby residents.
4. The CCC and RC have been talking to HDB and LTA on the best solution to this problem. Every alternative has its pluses and minuses. But we have to make a decision in the next few months.
Do also read my posts on Beyond SG
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