[Short takes]
It has been a long day. Therefore a long post.
I'm back to the Cathay fever again. After watching three movies at Golden Village, I was back at The Cathay today. The grand Cathay is well, pretty grand. As usual, the facilities that Cathay provides never fails to make watching a movie pleasant. There's even an elaborate stage (persumably for gala screenings) with a red curtain that is draped across. The ads begin on screen as the speck of light lightens up the screen after the curtains part.

I caught the movie 300. After watching Music and Lyrics, I must say 300 really sucked. I do not have a soft spot for Greek methodology movies. The last time I watched Troy I fell asleep in the cinema.
Then next at 4pm, I headed to the National Youth Council for a meeting. There were many people there. Some stared at me as though I am a celebrity. I found out why later. Because the Campus SuperStars were up and running at the Channel U Motocross Challenge 2007 @ *scape. You know how fans are like.

It is the first for Asia and it's the first time you see motocross on Orchard Road. And I hear that motocross is gaining popularity. Be dazzled by other starry appearances by Project SuperStars on April 21 and SuperHosts on May 19.
After a short dinner break at my uncle's place, I headed to Wala Wala at Holland Village. One thing that I'd like to thank NEA for is the smoking ban in pubs and clubs. Stinky clothes from smoky environments are now a thing of the past. I can enjoy my music in peace without smoke in my eyes. Heck, I could even sing along.

Also, I did try to get creative again. This time with the lights.

After the cake and all (it was Justin's birthday and he wore a red bra and was presented with matching panties during the cake cutting) a small group of us headed to Newton Circus for supper.
The bra thingy was not my idea. Just hope I don't get sabo-ed like that during my big day.
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