[About this blog] Inspired by local soccer player Mike Lim during my rookie reporter days at Singapore Polytechnic, I set up this blog in August 2002. I feel that blogging is a novel platform to document interesting facets of my life and my thoughts on certain issues. [Email blogger] ephraim@singnet.com.sg

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

[Coffee Talk with George 2]
Does public feedback get heard or does it go in one ear and out the other? How much feedback from the public really gets considered in policy making?

Why not quiz Foreign Affairs Minister George Yeo on this during the Coffee Talk with George, a dialogue session with a twist organised by the Bedok Reservoir-Punggol Young PAP. It's one that promises coffee, conversation and connection.

Do join us!

Email your details to ypap.brp@gmail.com to sign up. Places are limited so sign up fast.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ephraim, I am one of the Y PAP General Branch Student Division coordinators - the focus group for young Singaporeans under 25 years old. So far, I have gathered quite a few of my fellow people interested in this meeting @ Hougang. Kindly hope to hear from you - ypap.brp@gmail.com at my yahoo email address that I had sent earlier. Some of these General Branch members that I liaise as a coordinator,are pretty new to the Party and want to know whether does the Party and govt really care about feedback given by them ?
I have expressed some of my own views in the 1st email that was written, forwarded to other close party fellows. The 2nd email was sent to my General branch associates.
P.S I prefer to keep my identity confidential over the Internet. Thanks

Saturday, July 14, 2007 12:57:00 am

Blogger Ephraim Loy 黎传志 said...

Thank you for supporting our event. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, July 14, 2007 9:04:00 am


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