[Meeting Bedok Reservoir Residents]
1. After visiting the homes at Block 704, Bedok Reservoir Road from 7.30pm to 9.30pm on Monday, 9 July, I had a lively dialogue session with residents from the nearby blocks (BRP Rise RC). I invited those residents who had personal problems to come see me the following day at my Meet-The-People Session (MPS) at Blk 713 (second and fourth Tuesdays of the month).

2. Uppermost on the minds of most residents was lift upgrading. Our population is getting older and having to walk one or two flights of steps is a great effort for an increasing number of our older folks. I told them that this is the No 1 priority for me. Because of budget constraints, the Government can only agree to a certain number of upgrading projects a year. But our turn will come; that was my assurance to them.

3. It is a settled neighbourhood. Most people who live in the area are reasonably satisfied with the environment although things could always be improved. The Malay residents are actively involved in grassroots activities. Every Ramadan, they hold evening prayer sessions at the void deck. Some of the nearby rental shops have been suffering from poor business. Five of them were given generous grants to quit a few months ago. The three remaining ones have been grouped together including a popular medical clinic which charges affordable fees.
4. Bedok Reservoir nearby is getting more interesting. It is nice to see students paddling, rowing or sailing in the water. Fishing has become quite popular. There are more and more joggers doing the 4.3km circuit around the reservoir. I jog there occasionally with some friends. Join us if you're interested although the time may only be fixed on the day itself because of my work commitments. Henry will message you the way the SAF mobilizes NS men.

Do also read my posts on Beyond SG
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