[School's almost in]
It is just slightly more than a month more till school starts in August.
And this time, after all the large-scale events, I am back to where my roots are - SMU.
I'm kindof involved in three school projects and I shall aim to explain each one in detail. But first a little introduction of what's going on in school now. It's matrculation week where the freshmen make their way down - some with parents in tow (I shall whine about that later) to register for university. And there's action and eye-candy.
I digress.
Because I so want to get this off my chest: I don't understand why parents have to come with their sons or daughters for matriculation. Hey this ain't kindergarten man.
What are the people of Gen Y doing? First their parents write in to the newspapers to question why their precious son/daughter did not manage to enter university. Now this. I wonder what would be next. Maybe follow their children to school and attend their classes everyday? That will be the ultimate.

There's also the compulsory Freshmen Teambuilding Camp. And no, parents are not allowed. No maids at your beck and call to clean up too.
And there was and will be 'live' entertainment. Of course by the SMU Broadcast and Entertainment.
My first large-scale school event is being the Video Manager for Convocation - the official beginning of one's university life. For this I have to liase with the producers and the location managers to make sure the video team gets the best shots. And come August 18, I will have to make sure all the videos are ready and that they play correctly at the correct time.
I was cooped up in the music studios listening to tracks and tracks of music. It's kindof like research for the background music for a photo montage.

Instead of the editing suites for video, I entered the DJ studios. It's the place the DJs do their daily recordings before it goes on air. The enviroment is so comfy - one can doze off once inside and slouch on the armchair.
My other project is one that aims to benefit the underpriviliged. Our team sells a domino at $2 each and the money goes directly to the beneficiaries - these are homes where the mentally challenged young and disabled old live.
There's also the Social Science camp where I play the facilitator of a group. Their booth is interesting and colourful. Plus points if you can spot me.
I love the SMU School of Social Sciences. Rocks totally.
I suspect the parents are in tow because many were under twenty-one (remember all the indemnity forms you had to have your parents sign because you're below twenty-one) and perhaps due to the payment ("I can't trust my son/daughter to lug around a few thousands dollars!")
I do wonder how the parents felt there at SMU - disturbed or pleasant?
And, I met a grand total of 3 seniors at SMU the entire matriculation morning. It's a really small faculty. I'll see you around.
Saturday, July 07, 2007 10:09:00 am
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