[From hip hop to rock]
First it was hip hop. Now, the P65 MPs have started to showcase their vocal prowess too.
Set to rock your world, the P65 MPs belted out to the tune of Queen's We Will Rock You at the Young PAP's 22nd Anniversary Celebration event as they called out to the guests to clap and stomp to the beat.
The YP's 22nd anniversary was marked with a cocktail reception party as well as an awards segment to acknowledge the contributions of YP members. It was held at a literally cool location - the National Museum.
The organisers ordered gobos, so the usually white walls of the museum were draped in shades of blue.

Apart from singing, there was a toasting session led by Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Chairman of the YP, to usher in the new year. The was the usual performances - songs on the saxaphone and singers. No hip hop for 2008 though. Not this time.
During the event, the YP slogan "Your Place, Your Part, Your Party" was also unveiled in style.

Dr Vivian emphasised in his message that although the past year had been good for many, it's a cause for celebration. But he emphasised and urged those present not to forget that there may be others who are not doing too well. And those are the ones that have to be helped.

It was an interactive session. The P65 MPs, together with Dr Vivian, mingled with the crowd that consisted of party members and non-party members. Our group of four YP members had a long discussion with P65 MP Teo Ser Luck.
I felt that it was a very good opportunity to catch up with YP members all around Singapore. And also so fodder to mull upon. Until next year.

Now here's the fun part: Do you see what I see?
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