[A Laotian Guest at the CC]
1. The Punggol CC Senior Citizens' Chinese New Year Dinner had an unexpected guest on Sunday evening. As the Laotion DPM and Foreign Minister Thonglun Sisoulith was in Singapore for a bilateral visit, I invited him for the dinner to give him a sense of how we live in Singapore. Halfway during dinner, I brought him to see one of our HDB apartments. Robert Sim had less than an hour's warning time, but responded splendidly. He, his wife and kids were charming hosts. The Laotian FM was quite astonished that a taxi driver could own such an apartment.

2. The senior citizens provided much of their own entertainment, singing and dancing. More than once, Minister Thonglun asked whether they were professionals. I felt so proud of them.
3. After years of war, Laos is now progressing nicely. Each time I visit Vientience, it looks better. Last year's growth rate was 7.5%. This year's is expected to reach 8%. But the base is low and the country will take years to catch up. During the Vietnam War, more American bombs fell on Laos than all the bombs that fell on Europe during the Second World War. We are helping where we can and run a training centre in Vientiene. We also train some of their officials in Singapore. In fact, Minister Thonglun himself spent 3 months at Nanyang Poly many years ago on an English course. He is a good friend.

2008年2月17日, 晚上8时
今晚, 我们很荣幸地邀请到一位特别嘉宾与我们共度新春佳节。他就是寮国副总理兼外交部长通伦·西苏里 (Thongloun Sisoulith) 阁下。他是新加坡的好朋友,目前正在我国进行官方访问。新寮两国双边关系密切。寮国的经济表现良好,去年经济成长率超过百分之七。

Happy Chinese New Year!
Monday, February 18, 2008 11:27:00 pm
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