[About this blog] Inspired by local soccer player Mike Lim during my rookie reporter days at Singapore Polytechnic, I set up this blog in August 2002. I feel that blogging is a novel platform to document interesting facets of my life and my thoughts on certain issues. [Email blogger] ephraim@singnet.com.sg

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

[Meet-the-People Session]
1. In the last few months, there has been a discernible change in the pattern of cases I see at MPS. Hardship cases have come down because of a much stronger economy. But HDB cases have shot up with many requests for rental flats. With better property prices, many mortgaged flats are now above water and owners which were unable or unwilling to sell in the past are now doing so. Unless there are special circumstances, those who sell their HDB flats must wait at least 30 months before they can get rental units.

2. Divorce is another reason for owners wanting to sell their flats. It is unfortunately becoming more common. The children suffer and we try to help them as best we could.

3. I had a depressing case last night. One elderly woman with poor sight came to see me at Blk 713 Bedok Reservoir complaining that none of her seven children wanted to live with her. She asked for a rental flat. Family problems are often complicated and it is not for me to judge others. But those of us who met her last night felt very sad.

4. After MPS, a group of us attended the funeral wake of Lim Kim Seong, Chairman of Sheng Siong Supermarket. He left behind many children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He came as boy from Anxi, Fujian Province. From humble beginnings, he went on to establish a chain of 21 supermarkets. He was one of my supporters and I used to meet him at dinner events, always the smiling face ever willing to extend a helping hand.

Do also read my posts on Beyond SG


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