1. My wife and I attended Jeff Chang's concert at Singapore Expo on Saturday night. We were invited by Singapore artist Henri Chen who is Jeff's old friend. Before the show, we had the privilege of taking photos with him.

2. The hall was packed with his fans. There must have been close to ten thousand in the audience. Many came with glow sticks. Behind me, a large group of fans waved battery-lit placards bearing Jeff's name in English and Chinese.

3. Jeff sang many of his popular songs. The audience was able to take over many lines when he invited them. They were sentimental songs. Some were composed by Singaporeans who grew up during the xinyao era. As a young MFA officer said to me, Jeff's songs are easy on the ears and popular at karaoke sessions.
4. Accompanying Jeff was a 50-person orchestra from NAFA. The young musicians performed very well rising to the occasion. Before the show started, I chatted with the impresarios, Alan and Leslie from a company called UnUsUal. UnUsUal also does the sound for big events including the coming Beijing Olympics. Singaporeans are doing big things.

Do also read my posts on Beyond SG
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