[Lift Upgrading for Blks 716-725 Bedok Reservoir]
I was worried that Blks 719 and 722 might not clear the 75% mark for the lift upgrading to be carried out. HDB had kept me informed of the state of voting every evening. It would have been a great pity if those two blocks were not included. Their property values would have been adversely affected.

On Sunday night, after attending the Kuan Ti Kong temple dinner at Hougang, I rushed down to Bedok Reservoir to persuade some of the families which had indicated they were not in favour. I was touched when one owner told me that he would vote in favour since I had appealed to him personally. Another owner, a former lady banker, said she would think it over and also voted in favour the following morning. I left handwritten notes for two other families which subsequently also supported the lift upgrading programe.
As our population ages, having the lift stop on every floor becomes more important. One owner who was not in favour immediately changed his mind when a family member fell ill.
This morning, HDB informed me that all the blocks had cleared the 75% mark. All would now be upgraded. That's good news.

Do also read my posts on Beyond SG
Minister, you are a true man of the people. I salute you!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 5:22:00 pm
People need to know that the Government cares. And I think such personal approach is translated to warmth by the residents.
Thursday, July 31, 2008 1:24:00 am
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