[About this blog] Inspired by local soccer player Mike Lim during my rookie reporter days at Singapore Polytechnic, I set up this blog in August 2002. I feel that blogging is a novel platform to document interesting facets of my life and my thoughts on certain issues. [Email blogger] ephraim@singnet.com.sg

Saturday, July 26, 2008

[Office blogging Saturday]
I am blogging in the office. But it is a Saturday so it is fine.

It has dawned on me that more people appreciate the arts (or so I hope). I think as a National Arts Council, that is/should be our objective.

Last night, Rendezvous Hotel invited some of us to Ballet Under the Stars. Well, apart from the punctuated moves, the food ws really good too. I should try the food there one day.

Pity there were no photos.

We climbed up Fort Canning Hill (via the steps of course), and headed to Fort Canning Centre. Right below us was the lawn where the audience was seated. We had wines, red and white, as the performance unfolded in front of.

Ballet Under the Stars was presented by the Singapore Dance Theatre. The night was a collection of classical yet pieces that are widely familiar. They danced to two pieces by Queen (the people who brought us We Will Rock You). I am quite a noob at dance, so I had plenty of questions throughout the show. But Ballet Under the Stars was far from being avant-garde (ordinary people like me could understand it). That means the performance was not too abstract.

I then headed to the opening of International Symposium on Electronic Art at the National Museum. It was crowded. People filled the areas all the way to Singapore Management University for the Night Festival. I zipped through and made my way to The Butter Factory for a night chill out.

This morning, I gave another short presentation at The Arts House on my volunteer experience for the inaugural Singapore Biennale in 2006. I think it was a good shot.

I spoke about how ordinary Singaporeans should be involved in appreciating the arts. Using the Night Festival as an example of how arts can reach out to the masses, I related it to two instances where I worked hand-in-hand with other like-minded individuals on bringing art to the masses.

That said, Singapore Biennale 2008 is one such platform to bring arts to the masses. And I hope Singaporeans from all walks of life, young and old, can be part of Singapore's largest international contemporary visual arts exhibition.


Blogger Bertrand said...

Hey Dude, 'fraid to say I didn't quite enjoy Ballet Under the Stars because of the ambience - humid conditions - not so much the performance. I liked the music, and the dancing, but that was about it... It didn't inspire me much. LOL. U went to ISEAS and Butter Factory after that??? Bo chio - Bertrand

Sunday, July 27, 2008 5:09:00 pm


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