[Photo Session at Blk 424 Hougang Ave 8]
It was supposed to be a dialogue session on Wednesday evening but many residents came down more to chit-chat and interact, The 'makan kecil' helped. Peter's RC ran a photo shop which became a huge success. I had taken pictures with residents when I went door to door at Blk 423 before that. By the time the residents came down, the pictures were ready and I was able to autograph them on the spot. I took pictures with those whom I had not met earlier and they were quickly printed out within a few minutes.

I enjoyed chatting with a 6 year old kid who roller-bladed in complete with helmet, elbow and knee pads. Smart kid speaking fluent Mandarin. I took a picture with him and wrote 'study hard!'. He darted off to his block to show his father and came back again later, without his body armour.

There were some personal requests which I will follow up at MPS next Tuesday at Blk 414.

The new kiosk looks promising but run not by a 'mamak' but by a Korean NTU graduate! I hope the residents will patronize him because the kiosk is an important facility for everyone.
Do also read my posts on Beyond SG
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