[About this blog] Inspired by local soccer player Mike Lim during my rookie reporter days at Singapore Polytechnic, I set up this blog in August 2002. I feel that blogging is a novel platform to document interesting facets of my life and my thoughts on certain issues. [Email blogger] ephraim@singnet.com.sg

Thursday, October 23, 2008

[Break from development paper]
I have been doing research on development in Thailand for the past three week. Yes, tell me about how much of a mugger I am but gotta do what you gotta do.

In between clearing my thoughts. Need I say more. Outing tomorrow with the girls.

9:46:05 PM Eunice: hello children. wads the agenda for tmr, esp . loy
9:47:11 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: haha
9:47:44 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: we shall makan somthing, then watch movie, then go for drink and food
9:48:01 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: loy, your input please
9:48:16 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: am i always the busy one?
9:48:17 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: lol
9:48:22 PM Eunice: DUH
9:48:27 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: oh no
9:48:40 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: form 3.15pm to 4pm i am free?
9:49:00 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: loy, i thought you said you can leave anytime
9:49:11 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: whats up with hits
9:49:13 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: this
9:49:14 PM Eunice: sads. u c loy. u heartbreaker
9:49:38 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: didnt you say you were free
9:50:04 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: ng, did he tell you that he needs to leave early...
9:50:12 PM Eunice: 1 hr ago yes
9:50:15 PM Eunice: pouts
9:50:27 PM Eunice: /rawr
9:50:28 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: i am so gonna strangle him
9:50:57 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: always breaking our hearts and dashing our hopes
9:51:08 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: that silly boy
9:51:23 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: wait
9:51:36 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: i will bring people to biennale till 5pm
9:51:41 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: then free from 5pm lah
9:51:44 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: :)
9:51:50 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: don't get a shock
9:51:51 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: lol
9:51:57 PM Eunice: rarrrrrrrrrrwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
9:51:59 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: so you guys have dinner?
9:52:08 PM Eunice: ok. u meet us at 5pmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
9:52:17 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: ng, what do you think
9:52:22 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: how long is the movie
9:53:08 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: we finish at 3.15. you wanna watch it with first or
9:53:15 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: fung is coming too
9:53:58 PM Eunice: GV MARINA
9:54:00 PM Eunice: Nights In Rodanthe (Sub: Chinese) PG SCENE OF INTIMACY 3:15PM 5:25PM 10:00PM
9:54:40 PM Eunice: loy u wan to watch w us? we meet u at GV MARINA 5.25pm show
9:54:48 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: ok
9:55:09 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: okie. then we shall makan first.
9:55:12 PM Eunice: rams tmr we go earlier after class to buy 4 tix
9:55:17 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: yup yup
9:55:19 PM Eunice: u me fung loy = 4 pax
9:55:26 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: must wait for fung
9:55:35 PM Eunice: den we stone n stone n stone n await king loy to appear
9:55:40 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: hahah
9:55:45 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: all loy's fault
9:55:52 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: always making the girls wait
9:55:56 PM Eunice: KING LOY: 5.25pm is the movie. b on time pls
9:56:12 PM Eunice: gv marina
9:56:49 PM Eunice: Whether it’s because its heart-breaking ending, or the film is targeted to those who are more than 25 and looking for a slow-moving romantic movie, Nights in Rodanthe is average-at-its-best. But the art direction and the score are impressive.
9:56:59 PM Eunice: Running Time:97 minutes
9:57:29 PM Eunice: so since it's 5.25pm movie, shd end say arnd 7+pm
9:57:43 PM Eunice: jst nice for dinners
9:57:52 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: oh no, it has a heart-breaking ending
9:57:56 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: ok
9:57:57 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: so saaaadsss
9:57:57 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: yeah
9:57:59 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: good
9:58:04 PM Eunice: hahah loy is sadistic
9:58:05 PM Eunice: hahahha
9:58:13 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: yeah, where is the love
9:58:16 PM Eunice: hhaaha rams u caught my 'so sads' lingo
9:58:21 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: haha
9:58:25 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: i did, didnt i
9:58:25 PM Eunice: i tnk loy meant jst nice for dinner
9:58:32 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: yup
9:58:33 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: you are rubbing off on me
9:58:33 PM Eunice: no because it's not the normal ending
9:58:35 PM Eunice: hahahahahahahhaah
9:58:40 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: so emo
9:58:47 PM Eunice: so u
9:59:03 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: haha
9:59:03 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: i am so not a sadist ok
9:59:13 PM Eunice: ok la. u're lovely king loy
9:59:13 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: we know
9:59:14 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: i am a nice dude
9:59:28 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: yeah, and thats why we hang out with you
9:59:33 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: satisfied,...
9:59:39 PM Eunice: HAHAHA.... rams oh rams
9:59:57 PM Eunice: children
9:59:58 PM Eunice: go here
9:59:59 PM Eunice: http://nightsinrodanthe.warnerbros.com/
10:01:11 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: ok lah
10:01:14 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: still can
10:01:25 PM Eunice: nvm we can cry tog if we emo
10:01:47 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: i will try not to cry
10:01:49 PM Eunice: i love the house by the sea
10:01:57 PM Eunice: nvm i can provide tissue. 3 ply
10:02:01 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: yesterday we had role play
10:02:05 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: i dont even think i will shed a tear
10:02:10 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: you twwooo
10:02:12 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: so eemooooooooo
10:02:17 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: supposed to act a scene
10:02:25 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: my father jump down the building
10:02:28 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: so i cried
10:02:36 PM Eunice: gt video anot
10:02:38 PM Eunice: tape it dwn
10:02:38 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: wowwwwww.
10:02:41 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: phone counselling lah
10:02:46 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: yeah, i wanna watch too
10:03:15 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: then in between got sobbing
10:03:22 PM Eunice: i cant imagine loy cry
10:03:23 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: real tears ok
10:04:47 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: wow. i cant imagine either
10:04:57 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: wonder what he was thinking when he cried
10:06:01 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: i was thinking of the scenario
10:06:08 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: the body in front of me
10:06:29 PM Eunice: i jst sent a email
10:06:34 PM Eunice: inviting the stressed ones
10:06:50 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: you have acting in your genes
10:06:59 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: anyway, gonna eat my dinner
10:07:05 PM Eunice: so LATE
10:07:06 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: talk to the both of you morrow
10:07:08 PM Eunice: okays
10:07:08 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: so late?
10:07:13 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: 10pm dinner?
10:07:13 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: i know, i know
10:07:13 PM Eunice: bon appetiteeeeee
10:07:14 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: haha
10:07:15 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: lol
10:07:16 PM Eunice: gogo
10:07:24 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: by kids
10:07:35 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: oops i mean byeeee
10:07:36 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: ....
10:07:42 PM [ephraim.blogspot.com]: i am a big kid then
10:07:49 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: okie loy
10:07:50 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: gotto go
10:07:54 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: morrow then
10:07:56 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: haha
10:07:56 PM Eunice: haha bye kiddy!!
10:07:58 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: so drama
10:07:58 PM Eunice: ntienties
10:08:12 PM God of Wonders Beyond our Galaxy: nightz


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