I have finished the whole course of my medicine for my swollen foot but I have been running about so much that I think has made it more painful.

During a special tour of the biennale last week, I stepped on uneven ground and I think that worsened it. And then I attempted to run for a short distance and ended up hurting it even more.

It is the crunch time for me now because of tight deadlines and schedules to meet. It is a mad rush for time.
Anyway, I went for a YP convention this morning and Dr Vivian Balakrishnan spoke about the future of the party - another 50 years to go for the PAP. I think that is what he hopes for.
The PAP has been in existence for almost 50 years since its inception since 1954. So in another 50 years the PAP will celebrate 100 years of existence.

How can we achieve that? I will tell you more of what Dr Vivian Balakrishnan said in another post in his speech that he made as YP Chairman this morning. His successor, Mr Teo Ser Luck had promised to take the YP to greater heights will retaining much of what has been done urging fellow YP members present to forge on until the next GE in two years time.
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