[Why I am not on The Online Citizen]
In September this year there was some controversy at The Online Citizen. Zaobao had reported some comments by people that The Online Citizen was a masked website by the PAP citing several of the members' links with the ruling party and government.
"这些匿名者还指出,创办人卢鸿佩是从行动党青年团跳槽到工人党青年团的,现在也已离开工人党。另一名创办人朱正熙(新加坡国立大学法律系学生)则曾经当 过西海岸集选区议员何玉珠的国会讲稿写手,连续五个月领了每个月500元的津贴。而”网络公民”的编辑之一黎传智(新加坡管理大学政治系学生)则是行青团团员,不但参与基层活动,也跟外交部长杨荣文经营同一个博客。"
Recently, if you have noticed, I am not on The Online Citizen's lineup anymore but it is not because it was an attempt to break away nor was it to show that those rumours were true.
For the past year as an editor at TOC, it has been an exciting experience. It was great to see the passion and the issues that were brought up. And it is not to say that I oppose their views. In fact, I think TOC is an excellent platform to raise serious issues. Not only does it dig deep into government policies, it shows the other views that the government may have overlooked and is a supplement to provide views on existing policies in a bottom-up fashion.
Recently I am heartened by the petition that polytechnic students have been signing - the one against the fares for poly students versus JC students. This reminds me of what I had learnt by organising the First George Yeo Blog Competition.
Youths are concerned with what affects them most - like bus fares. The competition had allowed students to express their thoughts about things that mattered to them. The next step is to show interest on current affairs that may indirectly impact them. Following that would be an interest in world affairs.
I think we did the right thing in organising the competition. It was the first step to getting the participants enthused about affairs that they normally would not bother about. And that is what youths should take interest in.
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