[Assault and Flattery]
What happens when a hard-nosed, acid-tongued lawyer-to-be is forced to confront the realities of life outside of her cases and textbooks?
Inspired by Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, Assault and Flattery dishes the dirt on the ever-so-brilliant Margaret, the intellectually-gifted but emotionally-stunted eldest daughter of the Mok family. Margaret Mok, 24, knows everything she needs in order to succeed in court but never enough to get through life.
Who would have known her mother was so desperate to find her a husband? And that her pretty little sister, Sophie, would find someone before she could, despite strict rules that the daughters marry in order of seniority? Will Margaret really have to spend the rest of her life as a lonely, shrewish (albeit well-paid) spinster rotting in the office?
The SMU School of Law takes you back to your university days with Assault and Flattery, a charity production in support of Club Rainbow. Share her laughs and shed her tears as Margaret Mok, our favourite and most intelligent heroine, explores all the best memories and worst fears of our youth!
Come watch us at Jubilee Hall 30th or 31st January 7.30pm. Tickets are selling fast - at $25 or $20. Please contact Cia Ai at ciaai.eng.2007@smu.edu.sg

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