[The Curious Case of Benjamin Button]
I am not sure how my teenage sons found the movie - one of them dozed off halfway - but my wife and I enjoyed it. It made you think about ageing and the importance of going with the flow. We wondered why Benjamin Button came back to see his wife after leaving her many years, after visiting India, bathing in the Ganges etc. It must be love but then why didn't he leave her earlier? To give her time to find another husband, a father for her daughter? The most poignant moment was at the beginning when Benjamin's father abandoned him because of his hideous looks. Looks matter but looks, as we all know, are superficial. Youthfulness also matters but it is transient. As night follows day, one grows old eventually. I remember one senior citizen remarking drily to me once that there is no such thing as graceful ageing. Perhaps the only thing that matters in the end is love and friendship which can only be sustained in the flow. As is said in Ecclesiastes, there is a season for everything.
It is remarkable how good the make-up artists were. We could even see Brad Pitt in the deformed child that was born. The contrast of Brad Pitt growing younger as Cate Blanchett grew older was beautifully done but painful to watch.

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"Benjamin Button" sure is an inspirationaL show. But I beg to differ about going with the fLow, Sir.
If everyone goes with the fLow, there can be no uniqueness or an opportunity to reaLise better potentiaL.
But for most of us, in Singapore, we are 'stuck in the fLow, with the fLow'.
Monday, February 23, 2009 9:10:00 pm
I haven't watched it yet but will do so on Wednesday. Did you catch Slumdog Millionaire?
Monday, February 23, 2009 11:16:00 pm
I meant flow in the Taoist sense of dao. It does not mean being conformist.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 11:54:00 am
ApoLogies for my misunderstanding .. =)
SLumdog MiLLionaire shouLd be good, sweeping so many awards at the Oscars.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 1:25:00 am
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