[About this blog] Inspired by local soccer player Mike Lim during my rookie reporter days at Singapore Polytechnic, I set up this blog in August 2002. I feel that blogging is a novel platform to document interesting facets of my life and my thoughts on certain issues. [Email blogger] ephraim@singnet.com.sg

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

[People behind the scenes]
You won't get to see them on stage come 9 August but behind every performer there are many groups of individuals that make the National Day Parade appear like clockwork. And they are part of the show support team.

One of them is 2LT Esmond Chan. The officer from 35th Battalion Singapore Combat Engineers plays a supporting role for the show. He makes The Cube function like it should - getting the Mobile Cubes to open and close on cue in addition to the movements of the Mobile Standees.

2LT Esmond Chan

While the M3Gs prepare for the 21-gun salute at the waters near Merlion Park 2SG Mark Pun from 23rd Battalion Singapore Artillery is onboard waiting for orders. Once his battery commander gives the order to fire one of the five 25-pounder guns positioned on the M3Gs 2SG Pun will relay the order to the gunners.

2SG Mark Pun

Far from where the action is 3SG Chia Wen Jie and PTE Chan Loong Wei, both from 1st Battalion Singapore Infantry Regiment, are kept busy as they ensure that the performers are ready for the show.

3SG Chia is the Liaison Officer for the performers from Young NTUC. He ensures that the performers arrive on time and prepares them for their segment.

3SG Chia Wen Jie

Meanwhile PTE Chan is on hand to make sure that the food rations are sufficient for the performers. He also manages the water points so that the performers don't get thirsty.

PTE Chan Loong Wei


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